Nothing shakes the confidence of a new mom quicker than an inconsolable baby. Colic is rough to deal with but the good news is that it doesn't last forever. It usually sets in around week two and is gone by month four. That's a long time to deal with incessant, inconsolable crying. Colic is a deductive reasoning diagnosis, meaning that after other diagnosis have been eliminated, it is then determined that you have a colicky baby.
What is it?
No one knows exactly for sure. Some believe that is it an underdeveloped digestive system that causes excessive gas while others think it could be an underdeveloped nervous system that leaves the baby overstimulated and stressed. You recognize colic in a baby that is inconsolable, typically in the afternoon and evening. They clench their fists and pull their knees up tight. The crying lasts for hours. It is heartbreaking to watch. All you want to do is comfort your child.You may get a million and one tips from well-meaning people who claim they have a remedy for colic, but unfortunately there is no quick fix or cure. However, know that it won't last forever and there are a few things you can do to help you cope.
1. Know that Your Comfort is Helping
It may not seem like it when you're getting no other response but more fussiness, but researchers say that your gentle comfort has as effect. Crying is the only way a baby at this stage has to communicate. Your calm soothing tones will reduce a colicky episode up to 30 - 40% According to WEB MD. The fact that you are paying attention to it in a loving way rather than ignoring it and letting them cry it out offers the baby validation and comfort.
2. Keep a Fussy-time Journal
Since Colic is diagnosed by process of elimination your copious notes are important. Write down:
* Time of Day
* Baby's physical state - are they clenched? Knees to chest? Arms flailing?
* Eating Schedule
* Your feelings - this can really go a long way to help you stay calm
3. It's Okay to Cry With Them
Let it out. Don't hold it all inside. If you feel that you're losing your patience or that you are in danger of shaking your baby out of frustration then ...
4. Take a Break
Give yourself a break. Have someone else deal with baby for a while. If no one is available to help, then make baby comfortable in a safe place and walk away to take some deep breaths. This is hard stuff and you need to validate your own needs as well. Baby will get through this and so will you. There are smiles at the end of this road. Your good humor and knowledge that this is temporary is what will get you through it.
5. Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help
If you're having a hard time coping during this rough time, seek help. You deserve it. Talk to your doctor. They can help you.
Bonnie Jean Feldkamp is a writer and mother of three. If you liked this posting please follow her on Twitter @writerbonnie or like her on Facebook at for more great info on Raising Kids.
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