Coming from two different mamas, one who breastfed for 2 years and one who didn't breastfeed at all - we wanted to create the perfect bra that would cater to both - regardless of how you choose to feed your baby!
If you are breastfeeding however, then you know how hard it is to find a good supportive sports bra that allows you access on the go. No more taking one arm out of your shirt or feeling flustered.
We carefully and thoughtfully curated the most seamless and swift clip (yes, that you can unclip with one hand) we know your hands are full. The fabric is designed to pull right down under your boob (so you won't have a bunch of fabric crowding your babies face).
The absorbant and removable paddings will have you covered during those unexpected let downs or leaky moments that always seem to happen at the most unconventional times. Remove during wash and replace for your next outing. Last but definitely not least, don't forget about our FABRIC. After almost a year of sourcing to find the absolute PERFECT fabric, we were able to deliver a fabric that's so buttery it feels like skin to skin long before your baby arrives.
Easy swift clips (yes, that you can do one handed)
Stylish design will make you forget it's actually functional too
Layer that pulls right down under the boob to avoid crowding your babies face
Absorbant and removable padding for even the most annoying leaks!
Skin to skin feel that won't be harsh on your sore nipples
75% Nylon Mix, 25% Spandex
Designed with love, always, from Canada.